A downloadable game
Ever wanted to rip chucks of iron out an asteroid and hurl them into the face of your enemies?
No? Whatever are you talking about, of course you have!
In this game you can rip iron out of the asteroids around you, storing the accumulated iron in a ball that you carry around. At a time of your choosing you can launch chunks of iron which explode upon impact hopefully annihilating your enemies. Destroy enough of those disgusting organic creatures and they'll finally stop moving, but if you run out of iron you'll have to restock.
The aim of the currently is just to accumulate iron and murder your enemies with it who will stop moving once half their mass is blown up. The enemies can only be harmed by throwing iron at them due to their biological make up being immune to your magnetic powers (truly disgusting). In future versions, the enemies will have advanced further and be more of a threat, currently they're more suited as target dummies to showcase the mechanics and show how you progress by gathering and using the iron around you.
Important note: The enemies only rotate to look at you (unless they're dead), in this current state of the game, they're only intended as interactive target dummies to showcase the mechanics.
Primary Mechanic: Mining and collecting iron
Secondary Mechanic: Shooting collected iron
Progression: Collecting iron and using it to kill your enemies
WASD: Basic Movement
Space: Go Up
Left Control: Go Down
Right Click: Mine asteroids
Left Click: Throw chunks of iron
Also Left Click: Focus game window
Escape: Un-focus game window
(Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated)
Disclaimer: As part of making this game I made my own game engine from scratch using only C++ and Vulkan, all within the jam period. As such, expect a potentially less complete game and some missing features. Instead marvel at what's been included because goddamn was it painful to make.
Source code (not well commented due to last minute scramble):
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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